50 CIO Survey
Flits.ai Market Research
Flits conducted a survey among 50 CIOs to understand the major bottlenecks with Cloud SaaS ERP.
The survey was conducted with the CIOs who:
Already adopted Cloud SaaS ERP
Were planning to adopt Cloud SaaS ERP
Was implementing Cloud SaaS ERP
Here’s what we found.
Among the 50 CIOs, there were 3 common elements that emerged as the top business challenges:
End user adoption
Handedness with testing
Multi-Cloud integration problems
The results of the survey showed that:
60% of respondents were struggling with testing
45% of respondents said they had trouble with end-user adoption
30% of respondents said they had difficulty managing multiple clouds.
End User Adoption
Companies had big problems with end-user adoption, especially when it came to enterprise applications. Most businesses opted for old-school managed services to build or fix, maintain servers, and manage network and database maintenance, but this didn't work out well.
Every business started searching for a solution. They wanted to learn how similar or competitor businesses handled this situation and based on that, streamline and improve their process, and train their users to empower them to leverage the cloud. So that they could get more benefits out of the cloud investment.
CIOs were in search of
Common knowledge
How other industries are leveraging cloud
We need advice and guidance. By taking those designs, can we improve our own SaaS
Handedness with Testing
Some enterprise solution providers offer upgrade patches that can cause big problems for companies. This situation demanded more time from the workforce apart from their regular tasks, pushing companies to hire more people.
Also, this took more time to test, putting pressure on CIOs from the high-level leadership team. Even opting for 3rd party solution providers was getting complicated. Once their contract gets over, the in-house people will not have any trace of the updates that have been made on the application.
Multi-Cloud Integration
A business that has multiple cloud service providers often ends up with a broken workflow. This is because the different clouds do not communicate with each other. For example, if an employee gets promoted, the HR team may add them to their cloud but the finance cloud will not know about the promotion unless the two systems communicate with each other. This can lead to a situation where the business is not able to function properly.
In order to fix this problem, businesses need to find an automated solution that can track all of the changes that are happening in the different clouds and make troubleshooting easier. This will help to ensure that the workflow is not broken and that the business can continue to function properly.
The survey results were then used to develop a platform that would help CIOs with these common bottlenecks. Flits was developed with the intention of addressing these concerns.
Why Flits?
Why Flits?
At Flits, we offer a comprehensive automated solution that can help reduce dependence on third party organizations, enable your employees to run their own automation, and get results quickly and efficiently.
Our platform can be applied to businesses of any size, whether government or private and our message is simple: end user empowerment

Reasons for approaching Flits:
Increase ERP management efficiency
Reduce your project timeline and team workload
Maximize your Cloud investment ROI through cost reduction